Friday, February 21, 2003

media... ooo... media... ooo... media...

it is five thirty in the morning... as usual... i can't sleep... just can't bring these lids to their closure... blewp... i grabbed "ceritalah 2" by karim raslan that i'd recently bought... i bumped onto some interesting views that i wish to clip for myself and for my friends out there... here it goes...

In the modern IT age, a sense of community and national identity depends on the media. By way of comparison, in ancient Greece, it was possible to practice democracy in a highly personal manner. Leaders were able to create a sense of civic responsibility by canvassing for support face-to-face amongst the electorate. Clearly that is impossible today.

Today, the media - the TV, the newspapers and the Internet - are sinews of the body politics. In certain countries, such as the United States, it has almost supplanted the political process. Love it or loathe it, the media is an inescapable part of the national psyche, breathing life into our societies and articulating our every concern. Without it, we are merely a fractured mass of body parts - disparate communities with no core.

Ideally the media should be the guardian of our shared identity and values, giving voice to the things we want to say. Its icons are our icons; its victims, our victims. Similarly, its bad guys are our bad guys and we expect its practitioners - TV news anchors and journalists - to champion our concerns. We want them to ask the rich and powerful questions that we are too busy and at times too scared to pose. They are expected to expose corruption, venality and hypocrisy.

(Raslan, p. 29)

there are many liberating thoughts and questions that can be awakened when reading this clipping... and at the moment of speaking... i am overwhelmed with sights and insights upon our media in this so-called 'globalised' environment... however... let me stop churning my brains out... get some sleep... and perhaps tomorrow... blewp... tomorrow? hahaha... it's already six something in the morning now... i mean somewhere in the afternoon or after dusk... i can continue cracking my skull and squashing my brain juice on matters regarding computer literacy and english language as what i did fews hours ago before embarking myself on karim raslan's... blewppp... ;p

time and tide is against me!
run mummy run!

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