Monday, November 28, 2005

numanuma yea!

"Dragostea Din Tea" Lyrics
(Original Version sung in Romanian by O-Zone)


Alo Salut sunt eu un haiduc
Si te rog iubirea mea primeste fericirea.
Alo alo sunt eu Picasso
Ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic.

Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma nu ma iei
Nu ma nu ma iei nu ma nu ma nu ma iei.
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai.

Te sun sa-ti spun ce simt acum
Alo iubirea mea sunt eu fericirea.
Alo alo sunt iarasi eu Picasso
Ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic.



walaupun lagu ni macam hepi ajek
penyu menangis siapa yang tahu?
erk... aku ni penyu ke?
pingu tuh macam boleh la jugak...

malas nak cakap banyak
takde mood nak bersosial
until later lah...

Monday, November 21, 2005

dah lama sangat...

Mummy, you're a Type 4 - The Expressive

Friends, family, and colleagues likely appreciate you for this honest and expressive way of being. They're also apt to know that when they come to you with a problem, you'll offer them gentle, tactful advice, rich with examples from your own experience. As an Expressive, you're likely to be seen as someone who is strong in your own identity and in your perspective on life. Being a member of this type puts you in good company. Singer/songwriter Sarah McLachlan, with her evocative, personal lyrics, and Bob Dylan, with his distinctive and poetic voice, are also Type 4s.This means that compared to the eight other Enneagram types, you possess a strong sensitivity as well as a powerful creativity. Although you can often be introspective, that doesn't keep you from forming deep emotional connections with the people and places around you. In fact, your ability to search from within may just enrich your compassion and understanding.

~Tickle Analysis~

one word

fantasi berbaur realiti
nasib labu dan labi = nasib mummy dan siblings

sungguh memualkan
sungguh menyesakkan

masa tetap berdetik
makin hampir makin sakit
ngotaiyo... ngotaiyo... ngotaiyo...

malas la aku nak cerita!
same difference!

Ramadhan dan Syawal 2005
tiada kata yang dapat merakam luka dan perit ini

Semoga aku tabah dan sabar...
Ini semua cobaan...