Tuesday, November 26, 2002

The ten remaining days of Ramadhan...

Begitu pantas masa berlalu. Tanpa disedari kita sudah berpuasa selama dua puluh hari. Pagi ini adalah pagi yang ke-21. Sayu dan sedih perasaan di hati ini...

The whole day was spent in the likeliness of infinite eternity yet time swiftly flew infront of my eyes. For the 'blinds' and those who choose not to see... Ramadhan might be considered as a mere stepping stone for the upcoming fiesta. A fiesta in which songs are sung, dresses and fashions are flashed around, foods are probably wasted, money is 'hijacked'... the bottomless merriment without a minute thought for the poor and needy... the bottomless merriment without the realisation and reflection of the true meaning of Ramadhan and Syawal... However, for those who possess the visions... the visions from the eyes and the soul... those who are showered by lights and blessings... those who think and reflect... Ramadhan and Syawal are indeed special months... spiritually... the months where their arrival is anxiously anticipated... the months that can leave a pool of tears when they depart for the lunar cycle to continue its circle... It is the observation on these differences that triggers me to think... in which category am I? Who am I? A Muslim and a Mu'min? Or... just a Muslim?

Though it is not raining during this early twilight hours, the night is cool indeed. The night sky seeps into me the essence of tranquility and peace. No stars and no moon can be seen from the vacinity of my present location. The sound of the spinning fan echoes the night. The sound of some cars passing by the road below seems like a bass to mine ears. Everything is so right. Everything...

Actually, I've just come back from the invisible time tunnel... the unseen journey into the fantasy world has made my spirit wanders and smiles in amusement. It was the third day of the show... The 10th. Kingdom... Now, I'm sitting at my desk typing my thoughts with a wide opened window inhaling the scents of night. A bit perplexed with my surroundings and perhaps with life itself... I should retire to bed early tonite... my tonsilitis is really aching... I've had enough sobbing in the afternoon... hahaha... a round applause for the Indon movie and Yo Soy Betty la Fea... sungguh tak machess aku ni... hmmm... better logout for now... it is the time... the time to be one with myself... to be one with my thoughts and feelings... and to be one with this wonderful calm night... arios!

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