Saturday, November 23, 2002

It has been a while I guess…

Life is at its hectic pace though ironically three quarters of the time was somehow spent in deep unmoved slumber. Traveling can always tire us. It is not really pleasant to become a heavy drowsy potato that can barely open its eyes as an aftermath after a joyful long distance traveling. The unpleasantness is added up when the mental faculty is supposed to be at its highest churning capacity. Both the tiredness of the body and the demands of mental agitation are tied as a perfect match that permits the birth of obstinate procrastinations. The dangerous newborn that sucks and drains our will, our drive and our strength to move on with the tasks at hand. Iurgghhh… horrid and horrible indeed…

Beginilah yang dinamakan hidup bermusim. Kadang-kadang kita mengalami musim bunga... kadang-kadang musim panas... kadang-kadang musim sejuk dan hujan yang berpanjangan... musim yang sentiasa berubah mengikut masa dan keadaan. Namun, walaupun kita dibadai oleh perubahan musim sebegini persoalan yang timbul adalah adakah kita mampu untuk merubah setiap musim yang berlaku di dalam kehidupan kita. Errrmmm... bagi aku secara peribadi mungkin agak sukar bagi kita untuk merubah musim-musim ini. Musim-musim ini datang bukan dengan kehendak kita selalunya. Ianya boleh dipengaruhi oleh pelbagai unsur luaran seperti alam sekitar, masyarakat, cuaca, kewangan, rakan-rakan, keluarga dan sebagainya. Unsur-unsur ini mampu mencorak perubahan musim di dalam kehidupan kita samada cara langsung atau secara tidak langsung. Perlukah kita menuding jari dan menyalahkan unsur-unsur ini apabila musim kehidupan berubah?

Everything comes from within. If we tell ourselves that we are happy and to keep on happy, then of course we will be happy. If we whisper the symphony of sadness over and over again, obviously we will become sore and disturbed all day long. What we think reflects our behavior. We are what we are telling ourselves. Yup! Everything comes from within. Some experts say that an optimistic view towards life may lengthen our life span. To abandon gloom and murk behind is supposed to be a healthy act for a good life. However, are we capable to do such at all times when the dark clouds pervade us? Direct this question to our faith... tepuk dada tanya iman…

We are not alone. Though we feel that we are alone… nope… we are not. We are absolutely not alone. Hence, let us cherish what we have today. Be thankful. Be grateful. Carpe diem. Seize the day. May the past bother us not. May the future bother us not. May we live in present in tranquility and in all the essence of peace. May we find them…

~a piece of thought for myself~

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