Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Sebuah cinta dan harapan
Menjadi debu berterbangan
Tersekat nafasku
Kabur pandangan mataku
Amat tersiksa jiwa
Kerna kehilangannya
Mengapa terus mengharap menanti
Walau cukup kusedari kau takkan kembali...

Lahai... lahai... makin touching pulak lagu ni bila diberi nafas baru oleh KRU. Membuat aku teringat segala sejarah hitam putih yang telah aku tempuhi sewaktu waktu dahulu. Tapi.... screeetttttt... brek angin! Aku tak mahu layan blues malam ni... I don't want all the lovely memories that was created today invaded by my blues... In the aft, I brought my guest for a tour around the island, had a nice and peaceful coconut drink at Seagate, chatting and discussing about stuffs while enjoying the scenic Pulau Jerjak, went for shopping at Bukit Jambul and finally dined at Telok Tempoyak or Sour Durian Bay as I called it... hehehe... A bit sad when I sent him to the airport... Sad... Yup... Sad in contemplating who else will come and pay me the next visit... this veil of loneliness is really thick and it can be lifted up only by the existence of people who are dear to my heart. Hmmm... my sister will come this early November... horrraayyy! All the best sis in your final exam! Don't be sad... I know you can do it... just believe in yourself... yeah... both of us need to have faith in ourselves, aren't we sis? As to you my bro... congratulation for the result! The result can be improved... it needs courage and determination... Best of the best to both of you Dila and Arif including yourself Mummy! :-)

Hmm... again... the urge to layan blues is so strong. I have to restrain myself... I don't want to be melancholic... not today... Yeah... thanks KRU for making me want to feel this way... blep... Before retiring to the slumberland... let me experiment one new lesson that I learnt today from my sifu... Hehehe... What was it? I learnt to make a link! Yesh! Thanks sifu for showing me how. Jadik tak? So, for further experiment... this is another interesting site that I want to use for practice for my link lesson: Ratusan Ilham... Try to click at the name Ratusan Ilham and see what happen... Yea... Yea.. Mummy pandai yea! Hahaha... By the way, feel free to be a member and contribute ideas in Ratusan Ilham... this is an advertisement :-)... Well well... what do you know... my urge to get blues and melancholic has somehow subsided... that's it lady! Bagushhh!

Okie dokie... let me continue with my work before anything weird happens... hehehe... Perhaps Utada Hikaru's will be great... Open Sesame!

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