Tuesday, October 29, 2002

huish... penat gilos... hari ini dalam sejarah... alkisah... aku menapak dari rumah ku di Lebuh Nipah ke kampus... rasa mau tercabut kepala lutut ku ini... itu laa... manja sangat... sekali sekali bersusah payah seakan berpinar seluruh anggota badan... perjalanan pulang adalah amat menyelesakan sekali... dengan muka yang sungguh tebal dan tidak malu... aku meminta Sara menghantar ku pulang... kekeke...

pernah dengar tak lagu ini... favourite aku semasa kecil... mungkin sekarang dipopularkan semula oleh kumpulan Senario...

Bapa ku pulang dari kota
Bapa ku belikan kereta
Kereta kecil warna merah
Akan ku bawa ke sekolah
Pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon
Kereta kecil ku berbunyi
Marilah adik mari naik
Boleh ku bawa jumpa nenek

Rindu laaa... rindu kat maniobi... uwaaaaa... sob... sob...

The Brief Episode with My Supervisor

Him: Eliza... you should have defended your topic well...

Me: Yup! I know sir... it that was my fault... I didn't argue well... I was speechless... unable to answer the questions... I was attacked and I couldn't think well...

Him: You should be confident with yourself... if you know the topic well then you should be able to defend it well too...

Me: Yup! But sir... I have to admit this... my self esteem is very low now... I don't really have confidence in me...

Him: Ignore what others said... just carry on with your work and take up their views in a constructive manner... prove to them that you are capable to do your thesis within one month...

Me: Frankly sir... do you have confidence in me? Are you confident that I manage to do this?

Him: Definitely! Of course I am confident that you will be able to do this...

Me: (hesitant smile) Oooo... thank you sir... I really need that. I'll try my best.

After saying goodbye she left the room with a new spirit... a new outlook towards life... and the only thing that is left unsaid... May the zest remain!!!

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