Tuesday, December 31, 2002

gagal di dunia tidak bermakna gagal di akhirat...
berjaya di dunia tidak bermakna berjaya di akhirat...
bukankah dunia itu jambatan ke akhirat?

another few minutes to reach new year 2003... what is my new year resolution? still... i'm having vague ideas about it... i guess 2003 is just like the other years... of course there will be some ups and downs... sweet and sour... bitter and salty...hot and cold... blues and bubbliness... errrmmm... let me lay down for awhile to reflect and ponder about life and my new year resolution... the past... the present... and the future... happy new year all!

a note to my beloved...

be strong okay... we are in the same boat... it is okay if nobody understands us because we know and understand ourselves better... i know you can do it... i will survive remember? we will indeed survive... a failure is just another step to success... listen to your heart... steadfast... bumi mana yang tidak ditimpa hujan... namun walaupun basah ditimpa hujan... bumi itu pasti akan menjadi segar dan menjanjikan kehijauan yang mendamaikan... insyaAllah...

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