Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Things in the past:

1. Semalam sepanjang hari aku telah "menjulapkan" diri... lembik acik...
2. Layan Japanese drama series (sebab dah lembik sangat nak duduk di meja belajar)...
3. Batal puasa sebab dah barb out segalanya... rugi... rugi...
4. Jumpa supervisor sekejap di awal pagi dan dapat arahan supaya buat research di Kuala Lumpur (hangus lagi la poket aku...)

Things to do and expect:

1. Immediately and miraculously try to write Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 for the new topic within one week...
2. Come out with questionnaires too...
3. Go away lazy eyelids and welcome dear agility!
4. Get permission letters from the department and the library too...
5. No extra time infront of the cube... uhuk... uhuk...
6. Come out with a new budget for the month... muahahah...
7. Apeng is coming to the town this coming Thursday... hooooooorayyyyy! Yehaaaa.... Happy... Happy... Therefore, finish everything before his arrival... ;-p

Above all... Be patient and hang on Mummy!

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