Tuesday, September 10, 2002

I'm sooo mad with myself today... I promised myself to wake up early but still... as usual... ieeargghhhh... tensi... tensi... Anyway, today is the 7th. day I haven't laid my feet on the ground... hahaha... I'm not an angel or a bird... it is just that I haven't stepped out from my house for seven days and this house is on level 11... A loser's life? Nope... it is not... it is a houseguard's life... muakakaka... So, today I don't have to keep up that record because after taking my bath I'll have to go to Maybank... I must... else my UNITEN cheque will expire... rugi maaaa... Perhaps I'll go to Macro and buy stuffs to make the fridge merrier... hehehe... Let me check... Wow! I guess it's going to rain again... the dark clouds are thickening... monsoon season has come!

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